Freek Van der Herten
Download MP3This week I speak with Freek Van der Herten of open source PHP fame at Spatie.
We talk about making open source a culture, time management, turning off distractions and more!
This episode contains a couple of expletives!
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Thanks to our monthly sponsors:
- Justin Jackson
- Rob from 64 Robots
- Alex Bowers
- Matthew Davis
Extra thanks goes to these supporters:
- @caneco for the Happy Dev artwork
Creators and Guests

James Brooks
👨🚀 @laravelphp Core Team ✦ 👨🏻💻 Building @cachethq and @checkmangocom ✦ 🤝 Organising @PHPStoke ✦ 🎙️ Podcasting @happydevfm

Freek Van der Herten
PHP developer at @spatie_be, built @getmailcoach,, @ohdearapp and @flareappio, blogging at, organising @fullstackeu